Electromechanics and radio electronics

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Electromechanics and radio electronics

  Dean of the Faculty “Power engineering and Radioelectronics “
PhD.Yarlakabov Umirzok Mamatkulovich
Reception time:Monday, Wednesday and Friday. from 14: 00 to 16: 00.
Phone:(93) 305-45-00


After gaining independence in 1992, by decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Jizzakh branch of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute was transformed into a separate independent Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. In 1977, the Jizzakh Faculty of General Engineering of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute was established. In 1980, he worked in the Jizzakh branch of the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, where he provided the national economy of the republic and the region with many specialists in the field of “Industrial and civil Construction”, “Production of building materials”.

By this time, the faculties of the Tashkent Institute of Highways in Jizzakh ” General Mechanical Engineering “and the Tashkent Chemical and Technological Institute” General Mechanical Engineering ” in Jizzakh were merged into the institute, and 5 faculties were formed as part of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. These are:” Construction”,” Engineering and Economics”,” Auto Mechanics”,” Chemical Technology”,” Evening correspondence ” faculties.

Currently, the Faculty of  “Power Engineering and Radioelectronics” is headed by Umirzak Yarlakabov.

Khamidov Odil Abdurasulovich Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Power Engineering and Radioelectronics. Mamatkulov Bakhodir Khasanovich Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of  Power Engineering and Radioelectronics  Abdullayev Elnur Akhmatovich Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Power Engineering and Radioelectronics

  Odil Abdurasulovich Khamidov, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Radioelectronics
Khamidov Odil Abdurasulovich
Reception time: Monday, Thursday. from 14:30 to 16: 00.
Phone:+99893 304-42-64

Khamidov Odil Abdurasulovich  Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty ofElectrical Engineering and Radioelectronics».  Born on December 21, 1979 in Payarik district of Samarkand region. Nationality: Uzbek. Higher education. In 2012, he graduated from the Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University with a degree in “Methods of labor education”.

  Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Radioelectronics
Mamatkulov Bachodir Khasanovich
Reception time: Tuesday, Friday. from 14:30 to 16: 00.

Mamatkulov Bakhodir Khasanovich Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Energy and Radio Electronics». Mamatkulov Bahodir Hasanovich  He was bornon November 7, 1987 in the Gallaraldistrict of the Jizzakh region.. Nationality: Uzbek. Higher education: In 2015, he graduated from Samarkand State University with a degree in Physics.

  Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Radioelectronics
Elnur Akhmatovich Abdullayev
Reception time: Tuesday, Thursday. from 14:30 to 16: 00.

Abdullayev Elnur Akhmatovich Deputy Dean for Youth Academic Affairs Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Faculty ofEnergy and Radio Electronics». Elnur Akhmatovich Abdullayev  Born on April 19, 1991 in Farishdistrict of Jizzakh region. Nationality: Uzbek. Higher education. In 2015, he graduated fromTashkent State Technical University, specialty “Electric Power Stations”.

Currently, the Faculty of “Power Engineering and Radioelectronics” includes the following departments: “Electrical technologies”, “Power Engineering” and “Radio Electronics”, “Physics”  and “Automation and control of production processes”.

Departments of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Radioelectronics

1. Department “Power engineering”, Head of the Department PhD Anarbayev Mukhiddin Almanovich.

2. Department Electrical technologies”, Head of the Department Candidate of Technical Sciences,Parsokhonov Abdulkobi Gafurovich

3. Department ofvvPhysics», Head of the Department Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Assoc. Mustafaqulov Asror.

4. Department Radioelectronics, Head of the PhD Department  Mustafakulov Jabbor Akhmatkulovich..

5. Department Automation and control of production processes”, Head of the Department Candidate of Technical Sciences. assoc. Turopov Ulugbek Urazkalovich..

Directions of bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Power Engineering and  radioelectronics  

1. 5310200 – “Electric power engineering (powersupply)”

2. 5310100 – “Power engineering”

3. 5310700 – “Electromechanics, electrical engineering and electrical technologies”

4. 5350700 – “Radio-electronic devices and systems”

5. 5310800 – “Electronics and building devices”

6. 5311000 – Automation and control of technological processes and production

Master ‘s degree at the Faculty of Power Engineering and  radioelectronics  

1. 5A310202 – “Energy saving (thermal energy)”

 Qualification requirements of the Bachelor’s degree program


1. 5310200 – “Electric power engineering (power supplies)”

2. 5310100 – “Power engineering”

3. 5310700 – “Electromechanics, electrical engineering and electrical technologies”

4. 5350700 – “Radio-electronic devices and systems”

5. 5310800 – “Electronics and building devices”

6. 5311000 – Automation and control of technological processes and production


1. 5310200 – “Electric power engineering (power supplies)”

2. 5310100 – “Power engineering”

3. 5310700 – “Electromechanics, electrical engineering and electrical technologies”

4. 5350700 – “Radio-electronic devices and systems”

5. 5310800 – “Electronics and building devices”


1. 5310200 – “Electric power engineering (power supplies)”

2. 5310100 – “Power engineering”

3. 5310700 – “Electromechanics, electrical engineering and electrical technologies”

4. 5350700 – “Radio-electronic devices and systems”

5. 5310800 – “Electronics and building devices”


1. 5310200 – “Electric power engineering (power supplies)”

2. 5310800 – “Electronics and building devices”

3. 5310700 – “Electromechanics, electrical engineering and electrical technologies”

4. 5350700 – “Radio-electronic devices and systems”