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pro-rector of the department working with academic lyceums and professional colleges


The Candidate of science of mathematics and physics, docent Parsahanov Abulkobi Gofurovich


Reception time: Friday (15:00 to 17:00)



1. Universities of Huelva (Spain), Minho (Portugal) and Ljubljana (Slovenia). Erasmus Mundus, EURHEO: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering2011.

2. Supreme Attestation Committee, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Associate professor degree, 2002.

3. Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute (Jizzakh), Nuclear Physics Institute (Tashkent), Atom Energy Institute (Moscow). Candidate of science degree in Solid State Physics, 1991.

4. Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, Tashkent. Electrical Engineer in Automatics and Telemechanics, Diploma with Honour, 1983.

Professional Development

1. The main scientific methodical center for professional development and retraining pedagogical and leading personnel of higher education. Tashkent, 2016.

2. Handong Global University, Pohang, South Korea. Participating in the Program of the ISTEDOD Republican Foundation Republic of Uzbekistan. Improving qualification as a grantee. December 14 – 27, 2005.

3. High Pedagogical Institute of the National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Improvement of Leader’s and Teacher’s Qualification Program, 2002

4. ACTR/ACCELS, Washington D.C., Participating in the Program of the USTOZ Republican Foundation Republic of Uzbekistan (Innovation in Education) as a grantee, July 13 – 27, 1999.


Automatic Control Theory

Scientific interests

Renewable energy sources: Methods for obtaining useful energy from thermal expansion and contraction of matters.


A.G.Parsokhonov. “Method  of  generating  electricity  using  thermal expansion  and  contraction  of  matters.”  UZ. Application for patent: IAP 20150090. Mar. 11, 2015. Decision for considering: Aug. 18, 2015.


Парсохонов А.Ғ, Ҳотамов Ж.А, Мустафоқулов Ж, Ҳафизов Э.А, Исканов Ҳ.С, Давронов С.М. “Суюқликнинг температура таъсирида кенгайиши ва торайиши ҳисобига энергия ишлаб чиқарувчи қурилма.” Жиззах политехника институти. Фан-техника, таълим ва технологиялар: долзарб муаммолар ва ривожланиш тенденциялари. Илмий техник анжумани материаллари тўплами2-қисм, 249-251 бетлар. Жиззах, 2017 йил 14-15 апрель.

Parsokhonov A.G., Khatamov J.A. “Jet propulsion Model of a Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Motion” Special Issue of International Journal  «Young Scientist» . № 7.2 (111.2) 2016. pp. 5-12.

A.Parsokhonov. Renewable Energy Source from Natural Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Matters. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2016) Volume 23, No 1, pp 121-130.

Department of working with academic lyceums and professional colleges

The position of the propector of working with academic lyceums and professional colleges, and the department of working with academic lyceums and professional colleges are organized on base of the decision of Cabinet ministers of Republic Uzbekistan 07/2-1-6 from March 2011 for improving the work with academic lyceums and professional colleges.

The 6 general education chairs of the institute are attached to the chairs of academic lyceum. Besides the 16 chairs of the institute are working in cooperation with 28 attached professional colleges of the region.

The institute teachers and stuff are giving practical help in methodical maintenance, effective use of the equipments brought from abroad on the basis of the grant, support electronic resources, giving lessons, advising graduates and many another aspects.

The academic lyceum of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute

The Jizzakh 1-st academic lyceum is organized by decision of the Cabinet ministers of Uzbekistan N 77 from February 1988 and decision of authority of Jizzakh region N 182 from June 22, 1998.

The Jizzakh 1-st academic lyceum is stated as the 1-st academic lyceum at Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute by the order of the Ministry of Higher and secondary specialized education, the center of secondary specialized professional education  N 20 from February 3, 2009.

The academic lyceum is named as the “Academic lyceum at Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute” by decision N 613 from May 8, 2009 of the authority of  Jizzakh town.

Finally, the name “Academic lyceum at Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute” was changed to “Academic lyceum of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute” on base of 2nd  appendix of the decision of the President of Republic Uzbekistan PD-3290 from September 26, 2017 for execution of tasks of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education N 87-02-3497 from November 10, 2017.

The modern building of the academic lyceum is assigned for 720 seats. There is dormitory accommodation for 200 students.  The academic lyceum prepares graduates in directions such as accurate sciences, natural sciences and social humanities. The academic staff of the academic lyceum is 78 and 48 of them are women.