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Academic and youth meeting

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sadritdin Turabdjanov visited the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. Initially, S. Turabdjanov met with the rector of the institute, doctor of technical sciences, professor A. Usmankulov and had a friendly and sincere conversation. During the dialogue, views were exchanged on the development of bilateral relations and future plans. During the visit, S.Turabdjanov got acquainted with the territory of the institute, educational auditoriums, laboratory rooms and the activities of the institute's scientific and practical center for research of alternative energies. Next, a student-youth meeting was held with an academician. Academician Sadritdin Turabdjanov, JizPI rector Alisher Usmankulov, department vice-rectors, deans, department heads, professors and students took part in this meeting. During the meeting, Academician S. Turabdjanov told the participants of the event about his scientific and practical activities, hard work and life path to reach the academic level. He also spoke about the attention paid to our youth and the opportunities created in the field of science, and called on students and youth to make good use of such opportunities. Academician S.Turabdjanov was awarded souvenirs by the management of the institute for his selfless contribution to the training of qualified specialists and scientific-pedagogical personnel for the field of science in our country, for his many years of effective work and for his cooperation with the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. At the end of the meeting, students received answers to their questions.

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