Today, humanity is reaching new heights of development. But a disease that has spread to the entire Kurrai land in the following centuries worries all of us today and leads to the commission of serious crimes and the destruction of the gene pool of families and the nation. This is an addiction. In our country, certain activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population, forming their immunity against narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as ensuring human health are being carried out. However, in recent years, the emergence of new types of synthetic drugs and powerful substances, which are easily distributed among the population, especially young people, using the social networks of the Internet without the human factor, has made the activities of the responsible state structures in this regard "All efforts" demands the need to bring it to a new level in terms of quality based on the priority idea that "actions are for human dignity". On November 15 of this year, a roundtable discussion was held with experts in the field on the topic "Combating the illegal circulation of narcotics, psychotropic and powerful drugs" at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies. J. Ashirboev, the senior operative representative of the Criminal Investigation Department of the IIB of Jizzakh region, director of the Jizzakh regional branch of the narcology service of the Republican Center for Specialized Mental Health Scientific and Practical Medicine, K. Meliboev, the narcology service of the Republican Center for Specialized Mental Health Scientific and Practical Medicine, attended the event. B.Soliev, a doctor-narcologist of Jizzakh region branch, Republic of specialized mental health L. Khojabekova, senior nurse of the Jizzakh region branch of the narcology service of the scientific-practical medical center, and S. Eshbekova, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs, Spiritual and educational affairs department head M. Kholbekova and deputy deans of faculties, faculty tutors, JizPI BT leaders and coordinators and students participated. During the event, the speakers gave information about drug addiction, the harm and negative consequences of this disease. Also, during the event, the leader and coordinators of the institute presented the play "The Gang". The play was skillfully performed by the students and won the applause of the audience. It should be emphasized that a drug addict harms not only himself, but also his loved ones. And the children who will be born from her may be disabled for life due to the mistakes of their parents.