On February 12, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations and the Tashkent City Main Department of Internal Affairs jointly held a training seminar on Information and Cybersecurity, "cyber hygiene" for managers and senior employees working in the ministry. At this seminar, senior employees of higher education institutions across the republic, including the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs of the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute S. Eshbekova, Senior Inspector for Women's Affairs, Captain N. Rasulova, Press Secretary of the Institute - Advisor to the Rector on Information Policy J. Tulakov, and Deputy Deans for Youth Affairs of the faculties, listened to the speakers' reports via the ZOOM platform. The main goal of the seminar is to improve the knowledge and skills of employees in complying with information security rules and forming a culture of "cyber hygiene". The event discussed measures for safe use of the Internet, ensuring information security and protection against cybercrime. At the same time, the need to strengthen explanatory work on cybersecurity among professors, teachers and students in higher educational institutions was emphasized. The training seminar was attended by a responsible officer of the Department for Combating Crimes in the Field of Information Technology of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent city. He provided the audience with detailed information about the rules for safe use of the Internet, types of cybercrime and methods for their prevention. In addition, the participants were given practical recommendations on the methods of committing cybercrime, identifying fake information and protecting themselves from financial fraud. At the end of the seminar, specially prepared videos about cybercrime and their consequences were shown.