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"National values are the mirror of a nation's spirituality."

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 01/15-243 dated January 29, 2025, a spiritual and educational event was held at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute within the framework of the National Values ​​Month on the theme “National Values ​​- a Mirror of the Spirituality of the Nation”. Each nation has its own traditions, customs, language, culture and history. It is these values ​​that are an integral part of the nation and form the basis of its spiritual wealth and spiritual upliftment. National values ​​are not only a legacy left by our ancestors, but also a sacred treasure that must be passed on to future generations. They help us understand who we are, preserve our national identity and lead us towards progress. Respect for parents, respect for teachers, hospitality, kindness, honesty and patriotism are the basis of our values. During the event, the following artistic performances were performed by students and youth, reflecting our national values, culture, customs, traditions and way of life. In particular, - The performance of the play “Grandfather and Granddaughter” was performed by talented students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering; - The performance of the national play “Chimildiq” was organized by members of the Institute’s “Student Theater Studio”; - The song “Xalq laparlari” was performed by talented students of the Faculty of Transport Engineering; - The music “Dutor bayoti” was performed by a student of the 541-24 KI group of the Faculty of Cyber ​​​​Sports Anvarova Lola Doniyor kizi; - The exhibition "National Costumes" was organized by students of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies; - The performance of "National Dances" was performed by talented students of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. The spiritual and educational event on the theme "National Values ​​- a Mirror of the Spirituality of the Nation" made a significant impression on students and further increased their interest in national heritage. Such events serve to strengthen the sense of patriotism, national identity and preservation of values ​​​​in the younger generation. Spiritual education based on national culture, traditions and customs helps young people to become fully mature individuals. Therefore, it is of great importance to organize such events on a regular basis and hold them on a larger scale. National values ​​​​are the main criterion expressing the spiritual wealth and identity of each nation. They are an invaluable heritage passed down from ancestors to generations and play an important role in the development of society. During today's event, the importance of national values, the need to preserve them and pass them on to the younger generation were discussed. Valuing our spiritual heritage and integrating it with modern life will serve our further development as a nation. The artistic part of the event included performances by the Stars of the East ensemble. It is the duty of all of us to preserve our national values, promote them in our daily lives, and pass them on to future generations. After all, a nation that preserves its values ​​will never disappear, but will become stronger.

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