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JizPI professors and teachers at the University of Evora, Portugal

Currently, the next meeting of the participants of the international project “Development of the targeted educational program for bachelors in solar energy in Uzbekistan (DEBSEUZ)” within the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE project is being held at the University of Evora, Portugal. The next meeting of the participants of the international project “Development of the targeted Educational program for bachelors in solar energy in Uzbekistan (DEBSEUz)” within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Higher Education Capacity Building projects, in cooperation with the Ministry of “Higher Education, Science and Innovation”, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, 7 universities of our Republic and 3 universities of the European Union (Politecnico di Torino University of Italy, Universidade de Evora University of Portugal, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid of Spain), began on November 18 of this year at the University of Evora, Portugal. The event is attended by the project coordinator, associate professor T. Berdiyorov from the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute and project participants, associate professor of the Department of “Economics and Management” O. Arzikulov and assistant of the Department of “Radioelectronics” Kh. Abdiyev. On the first day of this meeting, 3 professors and teachers of the University of Evora conducted training courses for project participants on “Solar Radiation Measurement” (Afonso Cavaco) and “Photovoltaic and Power Backup Systems” (Ana Foles and Jose Silva). The participants also received answers to their questions in this area based on the example of European experience and the work being done. In general, the meeting was held in a positive spirit and will serve as an impetus for the consistent implementation of the project in the future.

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