On February 21-22, an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “Current problems and solutions of digitization of the higher education system” is being held at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. Representatives of our republic and foreign higher education institutions participated in this international scientific and practical conference with their scientific articles. After that, the international scientific and practical conference began its work. At the opening ceremony, conference participants participated and delivered presentations with their programs offline and online. In the afternoon, the conference continued its work, divided into sections. For information, materials on the following areas were received from conference participants: 1. The role and prospects of digitization in higher education; 2. Analysis and interpretation of digitization in social research. 3. The use of digital technologies in teaching specialized subjects. 4. Mathematical, software and technical support for digitization and the creation of artificial intelligence in cybersports. 5. Issues and problems of foreign pedagogical experience in teaching in technical education.