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Scientific Activity

Ilmiy nashrlar

JizPI professor-o’qituvchilarining scopus bazasida indekslangan jurnallar va yuqori impakt faktorga ega jurnallarda chop etgan ilmiy ishlari ro’yxati

Mualliflar Tadqiqot mavzusi Jurnal nomi  Manzil


1 Zavqiddinjon Kurbanov Strong grinding based on local raw materials getting stones AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
2 Отакулов Салим On the property of relative controllability for the model of dynamic system with mobile terminal set AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
3 Mustafoev A Development of automated water detection device AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
4 Shumkarova S Effect of Secondary Material Resources on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Floor Fabrics AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
5 Avalbaev G Selection of materials for work in aggressive environments in oil production AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
6 Shumkarova S Correction coefficiency of physical and mechanical properties of fabrics and calculation of irrigation AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
7 Mustafoev A Study of the Technological Possibilities of the Large Sole Furnace in Localization of Imported Electric Heaters AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
8 Ganiev A Study of Physical and Mechanical Properties of High Strong Concrete with Chemical Additives AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
9 Turapov U Analysis of Criteria for Image Processing and Recognition on the Basis of Informative and Strong Signs of Personalface Structure AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
10 Muhitdinov A.B The Role of Software in the Development of Modeling in Education AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
11 Alikabulov S Production and Performance Tests of Axo Oil with Improved Colloidal Indicators AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
12 Ruzmatov I., Nurullaev Sh.P., Saidmirzaeva D.B., Qurbanova L.M., Mullajonova Z.S The Sorbents with Using Rotory Slag and Physico-Chemical Characteristic of the Absorption AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
13 Aynakulov M.A., Gapparov B.N., Khatamov A.Ya., Khudoyberdiev B.B Development of Methods for Improving the Lessons of Information Technology on The Basis of Graphic Programs AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
14 Toshmatov N Water Sources in Industrial Enterprises and Methods of Increasing Their Reliability (on the Example of Sherabad Cement Plant) AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
15 Aynakulov Kh.A., Ubaydullayev A., O’Razaliyev F.B., Soatov Sh.A Increasing the Effectiveness of Lessons by Creating a Problem Situation in Teaching Drawing AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
16 Karimova K Study of laboratory-technological researches on the validity of six samples of “Osmonsoy” basalt deposits of Jizzakh region and “Karabulak” basalt deposits of Namangan region in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the production of different (continuous, coarse, super delicate and fine) fibers AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus 2022
17 Khusanov J On the Motion Control of a Five-Link Manipulator International Conference on Stability and Oscillations of Nonlinear Control Systems (Pyatnitskiy’s Conference) Scopus 2022
18 Tavboyev S.A Recognition Algorithm Models Based on the Selection of Two-Dimensional Preference Threshold Functions Communications in Computer and Information Science Scopus 2022